
Age of wonders planetfall free steam key
Age of wonders planetfall free steam key

age of wonders planetfall free steam key

Fixed an issue that the Oathbound Exemplar rewarded by the “Claim the Grail” quest in the second Oathbound mission was in Glaive mode rather than Shield mode.Fixed a rare bug, where the “Zemestian-4” mission would crash if Mephilas the Redeemer was in a vehicle by the end of the previous “Chimera Glacialis” mission.Fixed Filter Settings for Various Doctrines & Operations.Fixed Statis Pocket Inducer displaying the incorrect Strength Chances.Fixed a recieve/receive spelling mistake in Happiness Events.Fixed an issue that meant units with -200 morale would have a 50% chance to desert instead of a 5% chance.Fixed issue where invasion structure could spawn on lava sectors.Fixed the issue where the food sharing would reset back to default when on share all after the number of colonists slots.

age of wonders planetfall free steam key

  • Fixed issue where the Unit Template Manager would visually not properly refresh when scrolling the list after toggling the production state of one or more templates.
  • Fixed issue where the “Grail Detected” planet trait would now show up in blue colored text with the relic icon when for active or available planets.
  • Fixed issue where several filters were not being shown for the Title screen Imperial Archives and in the Galactic Empire Requisition screen.
  • Fixed issue where the “Now you see me” and “Critical Failure” achievements could be triggered by AI players.
  • Fixed issue where pressing Y/Triangle on controller when starting a new planet while the galactic empire hall of heroes is already completely filled would still enter the recruit new hero screen (with no available heroes) even though there was no button prompt visible.
  • The game should now switch to the open beta content.
  • Go to the Betas tab and select open_beta in the dropdown.
  • Right-click Age of Wonders Planetfall and select Properties.
  • Be aware that this patch may be unstable and not all text changes have been localised yet. This patch contains balance changes that were on the backburner for older Races & Secret Techs and addresses some of the bigger Oathbound balance concerns. This is a in development patch aimed to collect feedback from a larger segment of our player base.

    age of wonders planetfall free steam key

    Last week we teased a upcoming Balance patch, while this patch won't officially release just yet we're making it available to Open Beta users now.

    Age of wonders planetfall free steam key